
Missions and Ministries

“Your help is greatly needed and appreciated!”

Mission Project: Carl Myhre has just graduated from Concordia, Nebraska as Pre-Sem and has taken a call to Vietnam, a closed country, so he will be going as a teacher. Carl will be teaching English to Vietnamese children and sharing his faith in God. Gospel outreach will happen slowly, since Vietnam is communist and therefore restricts evangelism efforts. Thus, most evangelism is done in one-on-one situations as a result of relationships formed through service. If you want to receive Carl’s monthly newsletter, write to: [email protected] or 1428 Oakview Cr., Pillager, MN 56473, or 1-800-433-3954. Wanna help impact the people of Vietnam? Your financial partnership is essential! You may send a tax-deductible gift to: 1333 S. Kirkwood Road, St. Louis, MO 63122. Make checks payable to LCMS World Mission, put in the memo: “Support of Carl Myhre”.

Operation Iraqi Supplies: Sargent Jonathan Fondow, son of MN North District President Don Fondow, is serving his third combat tour in Iraq with the US Army. Jonathan works with the Judge Advocate General (JAG Corps) processing military justice and investigating claims by the citizens of Iraq. Jonathan started on his own, offering clothes, shoes, sandals, and blankets to the needy Iraqi people. He also stated there is a real need for medical supplies, such as burn creams, band aids, antibacterial aids, pain medications, aspirin, and any other common OTC medications, also wheelchairs. If you are interested in helping him out, items can be sent to: Sgt. Jonathan Fondow, HHB 2-320th FAR, LSA Anaconda, APO AE 09391. More info on bulletin board.

Help Those In Need – LWML is collecting health kits. Please help the most needy of the world by bringing any of the following items to the collection box in the church entrance way closet:    bar soap, deodorant, shampoo, comb, toothbrush, toothpaste, lotion, Christian tract or Bible verse.

Volunteers Needed at Soup Kitchen: Are you interested in helping once a month at the Salvation Army Soup Kitchen? They are in need of volunteers to help serve supper. If you would be interested, please contact the church office at 263-LOVE or Salvation Army at 263-5096.